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Best Essential Oils for Sleep

By Rynn Jacobson  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Best Essential Oils for Sleep

Video Transcript Below

Are you looking for the best essential oils for sleep and relaxation? In this video, I’m going to be talking about how to use essential oils for sleep — so you can start getting the quality sleep you need — and deserve!

According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults are not getting enough sleep each night — chronically! We’re sure you already know this, but lack of sleep leads to the increased risk of some serious health issues. From maintaining immune system function and a healthy heart — to helping you focus and stay ‘with it’ during the day  — it’s absolutely vital to your health to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per day! 



Here at The Healthy Place, one of our favorite ways to promote better sleep is with aromatherapy!

But — what are the best essential oils for sleep and relaxation? Here is an overview of our top 5 soothing essential oils for sleep: 

#1 — Lavender

Lavender is a great way to prevent insomnia as it replaces any tension with relaxation. You can apply it topically to soothe anxiety, or even relieve tension headaches. Lavender Essential Oil helps relieve stress, promotes a feeling of tranquility, and encourages peaceful sleep. 

#2 —  Chamomile

Chamomile is a sweet, gentle herb that quiets busy, worried minds. It’s also great for digestion and calming stomach upset that’s associated with anxiety. Chamomile Essential Oil encourages deep sleep by helping to relieve tension and calm frayed nerves.This is a perfect choice for stressed out parents, because it’s also safe for kids of all ages!

3  — Frankincense

Frankincense is one of the best essential oils for sleep. Its rich aromatic properties not only help you fall asleep but can help you recover from sleep debt as well. Sleep debt is exactly what it sounds like — far too many nights of inadequate sleep! Frankincense Essential Oil helps your body recover from that deficit. It offers natural sedative effects, encourages relaxed, deep breathing, and provides a soothing, grounding aroma. 

#4 — Clary Sage

This herb is a must-have for creating a tranquil, relaxing, and sleepy environments. Diffusing it before bed will help you shed the concerns of the day and prepare your mind to rest. Best of all, Clary Sage Essential Oil encourages you to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. 

Okay — I’ve got one more soothing essential oil to share with you — but before I do that, I want to ask: Are you finding value from this video? If so, go ahead and hit the ‘thumbs up’ button, and subscribe to our channel! That way you’ll get tips like this every time we release a new video.

#5 — Sleep Aid Synergy Blend by Plant Therapy

Sleep Aid is perfect for you if you’re looking for an easy, tried-and-true sleep aid formula. No mixing, no blending — it’s all done for you, already based on years of formulation and experimentation to see what resonates best for most people. It’s a combination of Lavender, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, Neroli, and Valerian. If you want all the best benefits of aromatherapy for sleep and relaxation, this blend is what you need!

The less sleep you get, the more you jeopardize your health — not only for tomorrow, but for the years to come, too. You deserve to be well-rested, energized, and living life to the fullest. 

If anxiety is contributing to your lack of sleep, we have a video that goes over the best essential oils for stress and anxiety. You can see that here or in the description below.

Also, we have an article on our website that lists out more essential oils for better sleep and essential oil blends for sleep  as well as essential oil diffuser recipes you can try at home. You can find that link in the description below! 

If you’re not sure how to get started, check out our video about how to use essential oils here or in the description. You can also get help by visiting our website — — and entering our LiveChat feature. 

And real quick before I wrap up — I want to ask — what’s your favorite relaxing essential oil? Or your favorite essential oil in general? Let us know in the comments!

You can watch the original video on YouTube here, “Best Essential Oils for Sleep”

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