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Unlock Exclusive Rewards With Our Loyalty Program

At The Healthy Place, we believe that your journey towards better health should be rewarding. That’s why we created our loyalty program — so we can say a big ‘thank you’ to our amazing customers!

On this page, you’ll find all the details you need to earn points, unlock rewards, and make the most of every visit to The Healthy Place. Get ready to turn your healthy choices into exciting rewards!

Check Your Reward Points Now! Click the reward badge in the bottom right of your screen to see your loyalty profile.

How to Earn Points

How do you feel about instant rewards? Join our loyalty program today, and we’ll kick off your journey with a generous 500-point welcome bonus! With every purchase you make, online or in-store, you’ll earn 10 points for every dollar spent. But there are other awesome ways you can rack up points, too! 

Let’s break it down:

The best way to keep earning extra reward points?

Leave us reviews for all the products you purchase! We offer 1,000 points for every new product review you give us. We love the feedback, and other customers will love reading your honest opinions.

Your Rewards: We have three awesome reward options. Save up those points, or redeem each reward as you go!

  • For 2,500 points 

  • For 5,000 points 

  • For 10,000 points 

Dive into the FAQs below to learn more about how you can start earning and using your points today!

How do I join the loyalty program?

If you purchase online, you’re automatically enrolled in our loyalty program, AND you get an instant reward of 500 points for joining! 

For our in-store customers, you can join our loyalty program by signing up with our Wellness Consultants during your check-out process. We’ll need your name and email address to create your account. Once you’ve completed your sale, you’ll get a welcome email showing your new point balance. 

Is there a cost to join the loyalty program?

No, our loyalty program is free to join!

How do I use my rewards?

When you have enough points to unlock a reward, you’ll be able to redeem it for a unique discount code. 

How to Redeem In-Stores:
That’s easy! Next time you’re in any of our three store locations, simply show this email to your Wellness Consultant. They’ll make sure your reward is applied to your purchase — and they’ll probably give you a big shout-out for being a loyal customer too! 

How to Redeem Online:
Time to start shopping! Add all your favorites to your cart, or try something new! During the checkout process, you’ll simply add your discount code and receive your reward. It’s that easy!

Please note that you may not use more than one rewards-generated discount code per order. You can, however,  combine an in-store sale or site-wide sale code with a rewards-generated discount code.

Will my reward expire if I don’t use it?

Provide an answer to the question here, with as much detail as possible to help your customers.

Do my points expire?

We’re excited to reward you for your loyalty, so we don’t impose any expiration dates on your hard-earned reward points! Your points are here to stay until you’re ready to use them. 

However, please note thatin order to retain your points, you must have an active loyalty account. That’s easy to do — to keep your account active, make a purchase, large or small, at least once per year. If a full year passes without any purchases, your account will default to inactive status, and all accrued points will be forfeited.

Feel free to accumulate points at your own pace and redeem them whenever you’re ready. We’re excited to see you make the most out of our rewards program! Happy earning!

How can I check my points balance?


Do I earn points from my subscription purchase?


Can I transfer points to another account?


What happens to my points if I return a purchase?

If you return an item, the points earned from that purchase will be removed from your account. It can take up to 48 hours for the points to be updated in your account. Please note, that this may affect whether or not you’ve gained access to a reward.

Terms and Conditions

  • The Healthy Place reserves the right to modify or cancel coupons at any time.
  • Coupons can only be redeemed once.
  • If you redeem your coupon online for a purchase less than the total value of the coupon, the balance of the coupon is not redeemable on another purchase.
  • If you return any of the items purchased with a coupon, the coupon discount or value will be subtracted from the return credit.
  • You may not use more than one rewards-generated discount code per order. You can, however, combine an in-store sale or site-wide sale code with a rewards-generated discount code. 