Reviewed by Lisa Blohm, PhD, MSN, RN
What age does menopause start and how long does it last?
Menopause symptoms to watch out for
How to reduce menopause symptoms with pharmaceutical treatments
Supplements and natural menopause remedies
Menopause can be a tricky journey to navigate. Not to mention it’s tough to determine which treatments make sense for you and your body. Do you consider pharmaceuticals such as hormone replacement therapy and antidepressants or natural menopause relief?
Menopause looks different for every woman. It occurs at different times and the symptoms can vary quite widely. The severity of those symptoms can vary as well. It can be preceded by a whole lot of menopause-esque symptoms that are actually just a build-up and not the main event.
The best way to ease your mind, and prep your body, for the to get educated! And that’s exactly why we’ve compiled this article. To let you know exactly what menopause is, what happens to your body during menopause and how you can support your body with natural menopause relief.
What is Menopause?
As we age, various aspects of our bodies slow down or gradually changes — and that includes the production of certain hormones. When you reach middle age, your reproductive hormones, in particular, start to naturally decline. It is this hormone change that triggers menopause.
But, what is menopause? It’s something that seems mysterious and can introduce you to a whole host of symptoms, but the menopause definition is pretty simple.
It quite literally means, when your period stops:
- Meno—means menstruation or your period
- And pause—well, you know that means to stop
Meno...pause. When not speaking quite so literally, menopause occurs when you haven’t had a menstrual cycle in a year, or more specifically, for 12 months in a row.
What hormones are involved in menopause?
When you go through menopause, your body produces fewer and fewer sex hormones. But, exactly which hormones are involved in menopause? Your female sex hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Here’s what they do for your body:
- Estrogen: This is likely the hormone that comes to mind when you’re talking about menopause. And that’s because it’s arguably your most important sex hormone. Estrogen helps breast tissue develop, it’s responsible for blood flow to your vagina, and it helps in a host of other reproduction-related tasks. Decreasing estrogen levels is what causes your body to start the menopause journey.
- Progesterone: This is a hormone that’s produced in your ovaries, like estrogen. Its role in reproductive health is to prepare the lining in your uterus for an egg. As you enter into menopause, just like with estrogen, your body produces less and less progesterone.
- Testosterone: Sure, testosterone’s typically discussed in regards to men’s health, but your female body also produces testosterone and it plays an important role in female reproduction. Testosterone affects how much estrogen is produced in your body. And it helps control C
What Age Does Menopause Start? How Long Does Menopause Last?
Menopause is a little complicated when it comes to timing. While the actual definition of menopause is simple—twelve months without a menstrual cycle—the timing is not quite so cut and dry. And that’s because there are several different stages of menopause. Here’s a quick breakdown to help you understand the different stages of menopause when menopause occurs, and how long menopause lasts:
- Premenopause: Most women don’t notice any changes to their body or mood, but premenopause occurs when you naturally start to produce fewer sex hormones than before. This typically happens anytime after the age of 30 and continues until you officially enter perimenopause.
- Perimenopause: Women often start to experience perimenopause in their 40’s. You’ll likely notice irregular periods, changes to your mood and to your weight. It means ‘menopause transition’ and is used to designate the time before you’ve completed menopause, but have started to experience some of the symptoms. Perimenopause can last anywhere from a year to upwards of five to ten years.
- Menopause: The average age women experience menopause is 51. And it occurs when your body doesn’t menstruate for one year, or 12 months consecutively.
- Postmenopause: You’re experiencing postmenopause after you’ve gone through menopause and have been without your menstrual cycle for more than a year. This is a time when you may still experience some of the same symptoms you did during menopause including hot flashes, weight gain, and more. Postmenopause can last up to five years.
Menopause Symptoms to Watch Out For
What comes to mind when you think about common menopause symptoms? Hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings? These are all menopause symptoms, but they’re only a few out of many that you might experience at any point during premenopausal, perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. Some symptoms, like the ones mentioned, seem widely known. Others you may have never heard about before.
Common menopause symptoms you’ve probably heard about
Here are some of the basic menopause symptoms you’ve likely heard about, even if you haven’t started to enter any stage of menopause and don’t know anyone who has. This includes common menopause symptoms that most women experience:
- Irregular Periods Signal Menopause: This is often the first symptom women notice as they begin menopause. Irregular periods can be a sign that your body is producing fewer sex hormones and that you’re likely entering into menopause or will in the near future. Maybe you only skipped one period this year. Maybe you skipped three. Whatever the case may be, it’s a good idea to keep track of any irregularities in your menstrual cycle.
- Menopause Hormones Can Affect Your Weight: When you’re going through menopause, it’s common to experience changes in your weight. Your sex hormones can affect other areas of your body, and that includes your metabolism. Menopause weight gain is a reality for many women, as is menopause weight loss, and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.
- Hot Flashes Are An All-Too Talked About Symptom: They’re also referred to as ‘hot flushes,’ and they’re certainly no fun. One second you’re at a perfectly normal, comfortable temperature. The next, you’re burning up and sweating for no apparent reason! Hot flashes might last a few seconds. They may last for several minutes. And you could experience them once in a blue moon or multiple times each day. However you experience hot flashes, they’re one of the most common menopause symptoms.
- Night Sweats Can Keep You From Getting Sleep: They’re similar to hot flashes, except they happen at night. And because of this, they can be seriously disruptive to your sleep cycle. If you wake up in a pool of your own sweat, even though it’s plenty cool in your room, menopause night sweats are likely to blame. (Please note that severe night sweats can also be the result of other more serious health issues, so make sure to connect with your doctor!)
- Vaginal Dryness Is A Common And Uncomfortable Menopause Symptom: Since your sex hormones are going through major changes during menopause, it’s no surprise that you can experience some symptoms in your vagina. Dryness, sensitivity, and discomfort are all symptoms of menopause.
- In Addition To Sweating, You Might Get The Chills: Along with hot flashes and night sweats, you may experience the exact opposite as well: chills. If they come on strong, for seemingly no reason, your chills might be a menopause symptom.
- Menopause Mood Swings May Put You In A Bad Mood: If you find yourself suddenly out of control where your moods are concerned, menopause could be the culprit. Moodswings, increased irritability, depressive thoughts and anxiousness are all emotions you may experience to varying degrees when you're going through menopause.
Lesser-known symptoms of menopause you may experience
That said, there’s a whole host of menopause symptoms you may not know are associated with changing estrogen levels and everything your body’s going through during menopause. Here’s a list of some menopause symptoms you might not have heard about:
- Menopause Can Cause Thinning Hair and Brittle Nails: Brittle nails? No thanks. Thinning hair? We’ll pass. Dull, blemished skin? Also, not something we want to experience. That said, these can all be symptoms of menopause.
- Digestive Discomfort? It’s a Menopause Symptom: When you’re going through menopause you may experience mild digestive upset in the form of bloating, cramping, or extra gas. You could also experience some pretty extreme gut discomfort. Menopause can affect your digestive wellness in a number of ways!
- Joint Pain And Bone Breakdown: Estrogen plays a crucial role in the production of bone cells. During menopause, your estrogen levels sharply decrease. For some women, this will result in slowed bone regeneration, bone weakness, and even osteoporosis. Unfortunately, this is a health issue that remains a significant concern for women's health postmenopause.
- Menopause Can Mean Changes To Your Breasts: Like your vagina, your breasts are affected when your body starts changes the number of sex hormones it’s producing. So, it only makes sense that you may notice changes to your breasts when you go through menopause. Some women experience soreness, while others may lose breast tissue during this time.
- Experiencing Incontinence? Menopause Could Be To Blame: If you’re having a tough time making it to the toilet and are experiencing any type of incontinence, you might have menopause to thank. It can affect the health and function of your urinary tract, and in turn, leave you experiencing incontinence.
- Can Menopause Cause Nausea And Headaches? It sure can. These are both lesser-known symptoms that many women suffer from. Menopause headaches are often hormone-related. Menopause headaches and dizziness can, in turn, make you nauseous, sick to your tummy, and otherwise uncomfortable.
How to Reduce Menopause Symptoms with Pharmaceutical Treatments
If you discuss menopause with your doctor, there are a handful of standard treatments that are typically recommended. These often involve adding hormones to your body, to help with balance. And treating emotional symptoms with pharmaceuticals designed to help with mental health is also common. When you seek the help of your healthcare provider, you may be offered the following options for menopause symptom relief:
- Hormone Therapy: This involves exactly what the name suggests, hormone therapy. It’s frequently used to treat menopause symptoms by replenishing your body’s natural supply of estrogen with synthetic estrogen. There are various ways to deliver this estrogen dose including in pill, skin patch, gel, cream, or spray form.
- Antidepressants and Antianxiety Medications: When your mood’s all over the place, and you’re feeling depressed and extra anxious, your doctor may suggest you try antidepressants or antianxiety medication. They can help ease mood-related symptoms during menopause and can be an important addition to your wellness regimen when you’re menopausal.
- Other Medications: Some doctors recommend Gabapentin, which is designed to help with seizures. When taken during menopause, it's been shown to help with hot flashes. Certain blood pressure meds have also been shown to help with hot flashes. Your doctor may also recommend medications or supplements to help prevent osteoporosis as well. (We love to recommend Osteo Awesome from Lively Vitamin Co. for women who need extra bone support!)
Natural Menopause Relief with Updates to Your Diet & Lifestyle
If you’re wondering how to make menopause easier, the answer is: there are lots of ways to make menopause easier! And, there are many natural menopause treatments that really work. With updates to your diet and lifestyle, you can help ease some of those uncomfortable menopause symptoms.
Foods that help with menopause naturally
To start, take a look at your diet! Sure, you know that a healthy, balanced diet that’s packed with plenty of produce is a staple for overall wellness. But, did you know that there are certain foods you should avoid and others you can add to your diet to help with menopause?
Foods To Avoid During Menopause
Let’s start with the negatives! Certain foods, ingredients and compounds can actually make your menopause symptoms worse. Here are some things you should avoid in your menopause diet:
- Steer Clear Of Sugar: If you have a sweet tooth, sugar is oh-so-tough to avoid. But, when you’re going through menopause, no matter where you’re at in the process, it’s best to avoid foods that are made with too much added sugar. It can negatively affect your mood, which doesn't help when you're already experiencing some major mood swings. It can also depress your immune system.
- Avoid Carbo-Loading: Sure, a huge chunk of bread sounds delicious and a bowl of pasta might sound comforting, but, resist the urge to indulge in too many carbs when you’re going through menopause. Why? Because eating carb-heavy foods can also affect your mood, too.
- Estrogen Rich Foods For Menopause: Ok, you now know to avoid carbs and added sugar. But then, what should you eat as part of your menopause diet? Estrogen-rich foods for menopause support! There are certain foods that contain phytoestrogen compounds. This means that when you eat them, they act like the estrogen that’s already present in your body. This is incredibly helpful when it comes to hormone balance, something your body’s definitely craving when you’re menopausal.
- Go Meat-Free: Or rather, bump up your tofu and tempeh intake. When you’re getting a Buddha bowl, instead of asking for chicken, get the tempeh vegetarian option. Or, make a tofu scramble in the morning instead of using eggs. However you decide to add these meat alternatives to your diet, know that they contain a whole bunch of phytoestrogens and make excellent additions to your menopause diet.
- Start Nibbling On Seeds: Flaxseeds and sesame seeds are both natural phytoestrogens you should consider adding to your meal plan. Flaxseed, in particular, can also help with mood swings and other emotional symptoms associated with menopause.
- Eat Plenty Of Protein In Your Menopause Diet: In addition to tofu and tempeh, you should be sure to a high-protein diet when you’re going through menopause. As you go through menopause, your sex hormones aren’t the only thing in decline. You may also lose some bone and muscle mass when you go through menopause. And that’s exactly why protein’s key. It helps your body rebuild those muscles and have the fuel to utilize bone-supportive nutrients.
Watch what you drink to help reduce menopause symptoms
Food isn’t the only part of your diet you should reconsider when you’re going through menopause. The nutrients and compounds you consume through liquids matter, as well. You should drink plenty of water, to help avoid bloating, but there are some beverages you should avoid altogether.
- Drinks to Avoid During Menopause: If you don't think twice about sipping on soda or downing multiple coffees in a day, it might be time for some changes! When you’re menopausal, here are the beverages we recommend you cut back on or stay away from entirely:
- Avoid Alcohol: We know, we know. When your hormones are going haywire and your emotions are taking you for a wild ride, there’s likely nothing you want more than to reach for a cocktail or a nice big glass of wine. But, when you're going through menopause, alcohol’s only going to make things worse. Instead, substitute kombucha if you’ve got a taste for beer and fresh fruit juice in place of wine. No, it won’t be the same, but your menopausal body will thank you when you forgo happy hour.
- Choose Caffeinated Beverages With Caution: No one’s suggesting you ditch your coffee habit entirely, but it is a good idea to limit your caffeine intake each day. Cut back to a cup or two in the morning. Avoid sipping coffee too late in the day. Drinking too much caffeine can make feelings of anxiousness or depression worse. And, it can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle! When you’re tossing and turning thanks to night sweats and chills, you know just how important it is to do everything you can to get restful sleep when you’re going through menopause.
- What To Drink During Menopause: It’s important to keep your body hydrated and healthy as you're going through menopause, so make sure you drink lots of water! Proper hydration can also help prevent that overfilled, bloated feeling that’s sometimes a menopausal symptom. Sipping on water will also help keep your digestive system healthy and aid your body in its natural detox process, both of which are especially important during this transition.
Exercise regularly to support your body during menopause
Exercise is important all the time. But when you’re going through menopause, that’s more true than ever! Here are some of the reasons exercise is key for menopause symptom relief and ideas to incorporate more exercise into your life:
- To Help You Maintain A Healthy Weight: It’s no secret that many women experience menopause weight gain. It’s also no secret that when you’re going through menopause some of your body’s other systems, including your metabolism, tend to slow down along with your sex hormones. This makes it even more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise can help you from gaining weight during menopause and helps you maintain a healthy weight all the time.
- Exercise Helps Put You In A Good Mood: Have you ever heard of runner's high? It’s a real thing. And it occurs because your body releases some ‘happy’ hormones when you’re active. They help boost your mood and promote mood balance, both things that can be seriously helpful when you’re going through menopause.
- Exercise Can Help With Physical Menopause Symptoms, As Well: Cramping, bloated, and feeling overall swollen? When you get your body moving, you can help reduce some of those physical symptoms.
- Try Yoga Or Meditation: In addition to getting cardiovascular exercise, it’s also a good idea to try a calming yoga class or take up meditative breathing. They can help with both physical and mental wellness.
Get plenty of sleep during menopause
Have you heard horror stories about night sweats and body chills that keep some women up at all hours? While some of these symptoms might affect you, there’s a lot you can do to improve your sleep routine and to help ensure you get the restorative rest you need! Here are some ways you can alter your pre-sleep practices to help when you get plenty to falsely during menopause:
- Cut Back The Caffeine: As we discussed above, consuming caffeine too late in the day can seriously mess with your sleep. To avoid the negative effects of caffeine on your sleep, stop drinking caffeinated beverages early in the day. That’ll give your body enough time to metabolize the caffeine without disrupting your sleep cycle.
- Establish A Sleep Routine: There’s a reason we set a bedtime for our little ones and that’s because it helps establish healthy sleep habits. Just because you’re now an adult, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from a bedtime, as well. Here’s how you can improve your sleep routine:
- Go to bed at the same time each night
- Wake at the same time each day
- Set the mood with darkening curtains and few distractions
- Stop looking at your phone and watching TV at least an hour before bedtime
- Don’t nap during the day
- Aim for eight hours each night
- Cool Down To Avoid Night Sweats: While there’s no surefire cure for night sweats, there are some things that can help you cool down enough to avoid them, and the ensuing sweat-soaked chills. Choose natural, cooling fibers when it comes to pajamas and bedding. Materials like cotton and bamboo can help you avoid overheating in the first place!
Take care of your mental health
Don’t forget mental health during menopause! During this time, your hormones and emotions are changing like crazy. It's a good idea to seek support from others to help you sort through all those feelings and to discuss your changing body.
- Start Therapy: If you already see a therapist regularly, continue to do so through menopause. If you don’t, start therapy to support your emotional and mental health. A counselor, therapist, or another mental health practitioner can be a great resource to help you navigate your way through menopause.
- Seek Support From Loved Ones: Inform your friends and family when you’re going through menopause so they can be there for you. If you’ve got a short fuse and act snippy thanks to increased irritability, they’ll better understand where you’re coming from! They’ll also know why you’re more emotional than you have been in the past, or why they’re noticing changes in your behavior.
- Talk To Other Menopausal Women: There are countless resources for menopausal women you can look for. Join a support group, social crew, or online communities dedicated to the menopause journey. Support from others, especially when they’re experiencing similar symptoms, can be invaluable to your emotional wellness when you’re going through menopause.
Take extra care of your heart
When estrogen naturally declines with menopause, women are at a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD) and experiencing a heart attack. On the other hand, healthy estrogen levels promote HDL (good cholesterol) levels, protect against blockages, and improve blood vessel function. You can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems through diet and lifestyle changes!
- Drop bad habits! Smoking can double your risk of heart attacks, and eating an unhealthy diet that is rich in saturated and trans fats often leads to high cholesterol. Instead, include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, and foods high in fiber!
- Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight! Squeeze a 30-minute walk into each day or schedule some yoga workouts throughout your week to improve your circulation, help manage your weight, and build stronger muscles — after all, your heart is a muscle, too!
- Include an omega-rich supplement like Solgar’s Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate for the utmost cardiovascular support! Omega-3 fatty acids help balance good and bad cholesterol and promote healthy blood pressure to keep your heart functioning at its best.
Supplements & Natural Menopause Remedies
Add targeted nutrients and supplemental help to your diet when you’re looking for natural remedies for menopause symptoms. Certain ingredients have been proven effective in helping ease menopause symptoms, and they’re tough to consume through food alone. Plus, there are numerous blends formulated specifically with menopause in mind. Here are some of our favorite supplements for natural menopause relief.
Need Everyday Nutrition? Add a multivitamin to your diet! It’s an easy way to make sure you've got all your bases covered, and you’re consuming an optimal dose of all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs each and every day. A multivitamin is especially key when you’re experiencing menopause because hormonal changes affect other arrears of your body as well. And that includes your absorption and production of certain compounds.
- Lively Vitamin Co. Multivitamin delivers a dose of the most important nutrients, all in one capsule. It’s got you covered when you’re going through menopause, so you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ve consumed enough of the essentials.
- That said, one nutrient that’s especially important when you’re going through menopause is Calcium. And while you can absolutely consume your calcium in a multivitamin, also consider adding it to your diet with a supplement like Integrative Therapeutics Calcium D-Glucarate. Why? Because menopause can affect your bones and muscles. Calcium’s key to bone strength and muscle wellness, so it's essential in your menopause diet.
Hormones Have You Feeling Unbalanced? Harness the power of supplements that are targeted to help specifically with female hormones! Ingredients that function as phytoestrogens are especially beneficial for women going through menopause. And that’s because they mimic the estrogen that already exists in your body, to help you with balance.
- Your hormones may be shifting during menopause, but they don't have to rule your life. Get Even is all about bringing balance back to those unruly hormones that are causing your pain, discomfort, and irregularities. It blends soothing ingredients like ginger and chamomile with chasteberry and DIM for the best — and most natural — menopausal relief.
- Add a potent dose of estrogen to your diet with Douglas Laboratories EstroMend. It features a blend of phytoestrogens that support your body’s natural production of estrogen, which is on the decline when you’re going through menopause. It contains ingredients like Dong Quai, Bacopa, Centella, Schisandra, and more. Plus, it’s formulated with Black Cohosh, which can even help if you’re suffering from hot flashes.
- We also love Solgar PM Phytogen Complex. Why? Because it’s absolutely packed with, you guessed it, phytoestrogens! This formula includes Pueraria Mirifica root and other powerful plant compounds. But it's also got B vitamins inside to help give you plenty of energy when menopause has you feeling fatigued.
- Terry Naturally CuraMed + DIM Complex is another great option. The herbal blend inside is there for you when you need help balancing hormones during menopause, perimenopause, or even premenopause. It’s designed to support your whole body’s health, thanks to ingredients like Curcumin and Grape Seed.
Looking for mood support? We’re not surprised! When you’re going through menopause your mood can be all over the place. The good news is, you can add certain nutrients to your diet to help you regain control and promote a little more balance where your mood’s concerned.
- Take the equivalent of a chill pill when you add Lively Vitamin Co. Chill Pill to your diet. It’s full of mood-soothing ingredients to help you when you’re feeling extra stressed, anxious, or depressed. These include 5-HTP, L-Theanine, Magnolia Bark, Chamomile, and Passionflower, and more!
- Adding plenty of Omega Fatty Acids to your diet is another great way to boost your mood and support your mental health. Try a supplement like Nordic Naturals Complete Omega to ensure you consume plenty of omega 3s. The EPA and DHA can benefit overall cognitive function, and promote balanced emotional responses!
Need a good night’s sleep? The night sweat, then chill cycle is real when you’re going through menopause, and it can make it tough to get a restful night of sleep. Add to that hormone changes, mood swings, and physical pains? Sleep’s a serious feat for some menopausal women. Luckily, there are plenty of natural menopause remedies that help you get those zzz’s!
- Take Lively Vitamin Co. Snooze Fest right before bed. It’s formulated with Melatonin, an ingredient that works to support your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. But, this formula doesn’t stop there. It also includes GABA, Valerian Root, and more for a sleep-inducing formula that’s safe to take every night!
- Also, make sure you’re consuming plenty of Magnesium. It’s one of the most powerful minerals to help your mind and body relax enough to get some rest. It works to ease sore or tight muscles, so you’re not too tense for sleep. Add it to your diet as part of a multivitamin like Lively Vitamin Co. Multivitamin, or grab one of our Magnesium favorites, like Lively Vitamin Co. Magnesium Ease.
Want to get your glow back? Your body goes through some serious changes when you’re entering, and in the midst of, menopause. Those hormones can impact all areas of your body—including your skin, hair, and nails. Help prevent hair loss and brittle nails by adding plenty of Biotin to your diet.
- Do so with a supplement like Lively Vitamin Co. Perfect Ten. It contains Biotin and R-Lipoic Acid, both of which promote long, strong hair, healthy nails, and supple skin. They help your body produce more collagen. And since you’re naturally producing less collagen when you’re going through menopause, a formula like this can really give you the boost your hair, skin, and nails need!
Bloated and experiencing digestive distress? When menopause affects your digestive wellness, it’s helpful to add some gut-specific support to your diet. Your gut’s home to a whole lot of important functions, including the majority of your immune system cells. Adding a probiotic to your diet has been shown to help improve overall digestive function, but can come in extra handy when you’re experiencing uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, cramps, and more! Plus, probiotics just may make a positive impact on your mood, too!
Add healthy bacteria to your gut with Lively Vitamin Co. Great Guts 100 Billion or, an even more potent formula like Livley Vitamin Co. Great Guts 150 Billion. Both formulas are packed with billions of live bacteria to help replenish and rebalance your gut during menopause.
Want natural remedies for menopause weight gain? You’re not alone! When your body goes through menopause, your metabolism just may slow down as well. And, this can be doubly frustrating. One, you may gain weight. And two, carrying around a few extra pounds can make some of your other symptoms worse! Support a healthy weight with added nutrients.
- Try Lively Vitamin Co. Metabo-Go-Go for weight management support. It’s formulated with six herbs to help you maintain a healthy weight during menopause...and beyond. Apple cider vinegar powder, raspberry ketones, and more work together to keep your metabolism going strong.
Hot flashes have you sweating the day away? Go for more Vitamin E and add some Black Cohosh to your diet, while you’re at it. When it comes to menopause hot flash relief, there are few ingredients as widely discussed as Black Cohosh. And for a good reason! It functions as a natural phytoestrogen, meaning it acts an awful lot like estrogen in your body. This can help with a host of hormone-related symptoms, including the dreaded hot flash.
- When you’re ready to reach for some Black Cohosh, pick up a bottle of Oregon's Wild Harvest Black Cohosh Capsules. It's made from the dried, crushed root of the black cohosh, not an extract, so you're getting unadulterated support straight from Mother Nature herself. Hello, hot flash relief!
- Don’t forget the vitamin E! It’s been shown to help with hot flashes too. And while you may already have Vitamin E in your diet if you’re taking a multivitamin like Lively Vitamin Co. Multivitamin, you can also add it to your diet with a supplement like Solgar Vitamin E 670mg 1000IU.
Having trouble with incontinence? No, it's not a topic you necessarily want to sit around and chat about. But, it can be quite disrupting to your life if you’re constantly worried about making it to the bathroom on time! Don’t worry, though. We’ve got you covered.
- Add Lively Vitamin Co. UTI BFF to your diet! Cranberries tout some seriously impressive benefits, especially when it comes to urinary health. They’re powerful antioxidants, too. This formula includes a whole lot of cranberry power, plus a blend of botanicals for even more support.
- You can also reduce incontience issues by strengthening your pelvic floor! Pelvic floor strengthening exercises are like weight training for your bladder and the surrounding muscles. These exercises can increase muscle control of your bladder and help to reduce instances of involuntary urination.
Want help with menopause headaches? Then add some Magnesium and CoQ10 to your life! Both are not only helpful when your hormones cause that throbbing, pounding headache to occur. They can help prevent headaches, all the time, even when Menopause isn’t to blame.
- Add Magnesium to your diet with a multivitamin like Lively Vitamin Co. Multivitamin. Or, since you know Calcium’s extra essential when you’re going through menopause, try a formula like Pure Encapsulations Calcium Magnesium to help protect your bones and work to prevent menopause headaches!
- For Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, grab a multitasking formula like Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega + CoQ10. It’s full of Omega Fatty Acids that’ll help support your mood and CoQ10
Take Control of Your Menopause Symptoms Today!
Whether you’re in the midst of perimenopause, or you’re still dealing with lingering menopause symptoms after you’ve been without your period for a year, these lifestyle changes and supplements can help no matter which stage of menopause you’re experiencing.
If you have additional questions about natural menopause relief, nutrients that may help, or you just want to get some advice from a supplement specialist, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. Contact us here.